Guana Bay


History of the Guana Bay Property Owners Association (GBPOA)

When scenic, green Guana Bay was first developed for homes, in the 1960’s, the developers had the foresight to realize that over-building the area would lead to a condition that would forfeit the special charm inherent here.  They incorporated, into every deed that buyers agreed to, robust limitations upon the density and type of residential construction that would be allowed on parcels. The GBPOA has worked diligently to ensure that this vision will never be lost or forgotten.

Now, over forty years later, this generation of neighbors are still enjoying the fruits of, not only, the original developers forward thinking, but also the steadfast efforts of so many volunteer members to safeguard their principles.  Guana Bay is still a green and beautiful place wherein to own property, reside, raise a family by or just watch the world pass by, along with the sea breeze.

Our Members

Nothing is more important to the long term success of our neighborhood association than our member owners of the Guana Bay community.  Some members volunteer their time to help oversee the activities of the association, by serving on committees, or as directors and officers.  Together this network of neighbors continues to help protect the special qualities of green space and reasonable development that is the hallmark of GBPOA’s long and diligent efforts to guard what we’ve come to cherish today.  Every single owner member is cordially welcomed to share their vision for the future by helping out on committees or special projects that they might like to initiate.

We, the Association, have struggled to keep Guana Bay an exclusive area that is practically non-existent on Sint Maarten.  A strong Association will be able to maintain the valley in a way that will benefit us all and will increase the desirability of all properties.

Communication among our members is a process that everyone is welcomed to contribute to for all matters from the routine and newsy to the immediate, important and requiring rapid dissemination.  The better we get to know each other and work on such communication channels, the better we will accomplish all those goals of keeping members informed. 

We count on your support.

Introduction to the Board

The Board of the GBPOA consists of a group of voluntary members, nominated to serve and elected at the Annual General Meeting of the members.  All members are encouraged to consider joining in this process at whatever level of involvement they feel comfortable with and will be most welcomed.
Contact Board

Tasks of the GBPOA

One of the primary functions is to ensure that the beauty and tranquility of our exclusive community are preserved.

As legal heir of the original seller, we are committed to enforce the deed restrictions. Please refer to
Construction Request Form for any new construction/extension/addition/remodeling.

Another key task is to foster strong communication with members on all matters of importance to association members.

The Board oversees assessment, collection and tracking of member dues, as well as maintaining scrupulous oversight over all association financial transactions and timely reports on same to the members. See details at this link: Annual Fees

The Board ensures the maintenance of the roadways and roadsides with respect to safety and cleanliness, for which all property owners are responsible.

The Board endeavors to stay abreast of community and political developments that require advocacy on behalf of our neighborhood.  In this task, it relies heavily on the many eyes and updates provided by members.